Friday, December 21, 2012


New IRS statistics show the burden on taxpayers.  The top 1% of all filers paid 37.4% of all federal income taxes in 2010, the most recent year IRS has analyzed.  That is up from 36.3% the previous year.  They reported 18.9% of total adjusted gross income, also higher than the year before.  However, the average tax rate paid by the top 1% fell slightly to 23.4% of their AGI. 

Filers needed to have AGI of at least $369,691 to qualify for the top 1% of earners.  The highest 5% paid 59.1% of total income tax and accounted for 33.8% of all adjusted gross income.  They each had AGIs of $116,623 or more; bore 70.6% of the total tax burden while bringing in slightly more than 45% of the total adjusted gross income.  The bottom 50% of filers paid 2.36% of the total federal income tax take, mainly because of refundable tax credits.  The average tax rate was 2.4% of their AGI. 

Two things to note about the data:  The average tax rates would be higher if the IRS expressed them as a percentage of taxable income instead of AGI.  Also, the Service excluded returns filed by dependents from the calculations this year.