(KOLN-KGIN TV) -- The Labor Department released October's job loss numbers this past Friday. The good news is Nebraska hasn't been hit as hard as the rest of the country. Larry Routh, the director of Career Services at UNL, said while his office has seen a slow down in some industries, he thinks UNL has remained unscathed because most of its students plan to work on Main Street instead of Wall Street. "The financial woes move from the East Coast to the Midwest," Routh said. "Agriculture remains pretty strong and that's been helpful to us." Brandon Schmidt is a Mechanical Engineering graduate student at the university. He considers himself lucky not only because he's graduating in December, but also because he'll likely have at least one offer by graduation day. "It hasn't been too bad," Schmidt said. "I've had three interviews so far and it doesn't seem to be a problem for me to find options for me getting into a career."