Do you want to take your business to the next level? Try this...
I am a small business owner like you. I know that on a day to day basis, we are busy doing what we need to do to operate our business. How many times do we say, “If I just had time to …?”
As I write this, I am taking time to do exactly that. I am held up at Embassy Suites for the weekend doing a “think-business development day.” No friends...TV is unplugged...books all over the place, but I have an agenda. I am lucky that my family understands the importance of me getting away just to concentrate on business.
I’ve brought along the stack of magazines I’ve been meaning to get to, the staff evaluations, the client list, the budget and some business development books. I have spent Friday night, Saturday and most of Sunday just concentrating on business. Monday will be back to normal, but over this weekend I am developing strategies and doing the things that will help to make sure my business is running properly.
I read that Bill Gates takes four days a year he calls “think days”, to go out and strategizes. If success leaves clues, certainly Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, would be a good example to follow.
If you haven’t done this, try it.
Larry Kopsa CPA